Michelle’s Back Pain Relief Story

Is back pain relief after injury possible? For Michelle it was…
"Five years ago I experienced a life-changing, impact injury to the neck. It was such an extreme injury that I underwent a nerve burn in my neck on the left and right side, two different times. I had surgery that left me with a plate and four screws in my neck to keep me from being paralyzed from the neck down.Website Pics 2.6.15 076 Before my injury I loved to cook, go backpacking, four wheeling, and camping. After the injury I was left unable to do any of that. The pain was so bad that I felt like it was trapping me at home and not letting me live my life anymore. I went to pain specialists that prescribed pain medication, and at one time I was on six doses of hydrocodone a day. I also underwent two years of physical therapy and nothing was helping!
A friend of mine talked to me about going to see Dr. Hart after she experienced amazing results with her own care. I had never seen a chiropractor before and was unsure of what to expect. When I entered Dr. Hart’s office for the first time I was still experiencing extreme amounts of pain, tingling, and numbness in my face, arms, and hands. I was having constant headaches, was unable to sleep, and even had moments where I was unable to walk around the house.
Dr. Hart did a thorough exam, and then let me know that he would be able to help me feel better. I had spent the first two and a half years after the accident in bed, and have been trying to get my life back ever since. After only four months of Dr. Hart and Dr. Mark putting my spine back in alignment I am finally getting my life back! I am finally able to do the things that I was not able to do before! Since being under chiropractic care I have had no burning, tingling, or numbness. I do not experience headaches anymore, do not take pain medication, and am PAIN FREE! I can almost do anything that I want, including cooking a full seventeen pound turkey dinner for Thanksgiving!
I was told by other doctors that I would have to live with the pain and symptoms that I was experiencing daily. After being under chiropractic care, I realize that I don’t! Traditional medicine does not have all of the answers. I HAVE WAITED FIVE YEARS FOR THIS DAY. STICK WITH THE PLAN, YOU WILL BE REWARDED."
- Michelle H.
* Mobile Chiropractic By Appointment
8:15am - 10:45am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm
8:15am - 10:45am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm
8:15am - 10:45am
Hart Family Chiropractic
3546 El Camino Real
Atascadero, CA 93422
(805) 466-6378